Thursday, June 7, 2012

Tech! Talk! Tech! Talk! The time is NOW!

It's really important to plan for technology, because if we don't plan for it...we tend not to use it. This is a technologically savvy generation, and if we are depriving students of having the opportunity to be educated with the things they are good at...I could imagine it being very defeating. We need to be playing off the students strengths to defeat their weaknesses.

It's important to hold the student accountable for stations and centers, because it's learning. We need to be able to track progress of the students so it doesn't turn into just playtime on technology without substance.

I visited Manga High and I think I have fallen in love. It really embeds the concept of math into playing a game. It's not just the glitz and glamor. I tried the PEMDAS blaster...and where the student realizes that the addition monsters that have to be destroyed are much slower than the multiplication monsters. It's almost that the students develop an emotional response to the type of operations versus just learning the rule and trying to internalizing it. This would be nice to have students at an IPAD or a computer working on for 15 minutes. It's good practice and it's trackable. Students get medals for completing things.

The second website that I visited was a math manipulative website that is very interactive, but it's not trackable, BUT the cool thing is that these concepts are very good to teach with. I probably would not use this in stations, but I would definitely use this on an interactive board.

For the IPOD Touch/IPAD: 
1. I would like to use the BrainPop app. It's trackable with a quiz or I could develop something where they take notes. This could be used on the IPAD station.

2. I want students to be so fluent in divisibility so it is not a problem in 6th and 7th grade. Everyday Mathematics Divisibility Dash  would be a great way to support this effort.

I could see my students using these devices to update a class blog or post on the WallWisher.

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